Do You Suck at Elk Calling?

May 22, 2024

By Zach Bowhay

Do You Suck at Elk Calling?

How often have you heard people say, “I’m not just good at calling” or “I’ve never been able to use a mouth diaphragm”? Well, nowadays, I hate to tell you that if these statements are factual, it’s your fault, and your excuses aren’t valid.

If you want to kill elk, especially during archery or early-season hunts, you should be able to make good elk sounds effectively. If you plan on spot and stalk hunting or using ambushing methods, then I guess you are okay with being a bad caller. I am always amazed at how many hunters still use calling as their primary method and are still using weak excuses as to why this is the case.

I hate beating this drum, but you can get better at calling. All people do anymore is complain about how YouTube and social media are ruining elk hunting or hunting. They say, “There's too much information out there, and nobody has to figure anything out on their own.” That’s another subject that doesn’t need to be tackled today, so I’ll leave it at that.

I will say, though, that you know what else is out there all over the internet. Unlimited information on subjects like how to cow call, estrus call, bugle, lip ball, and the list goes on. There is endless information on the subject in writing and video form on how to make specific sounds. Just for the heck of it, I just did a Google search for “how to elk call,” and let me tell you, that was an extensive list of videos and articles on the subject, and the sub-topics within that search are impressive. So, I am saying, put the excuses aside and get to work. As the old saying goes, the best time to start was yesterday; the second-best time is today.

Use your Buddies

Do you have a hunting buddy who is good at elk calling? Maybe to the point that they are so much better at it than you that they end up doing all the calling. If this is the case, talk with them and let them know you desire to improve your calling. Ask them for advice. Practice calling on your own, then go to them and have them listen to your progress. We all sound great singing in the shower, but it never sounds quite as good to others. The same goes for elk calling. It may sound good to us, but it may need some tweaking to other people or elk’s ears.

If your hunting buddy is smart, he will gladly offer advice and feedback on your calling so you can improve. Doing so will indeed provide better elk-hunting opportunities for the team, and likely more chances for him to be in the shooter seat a little more often.

Even if you don’t have a hunting buddy who is a great elk caller, seek someone out who is. I would almost bet you can find someone to aid you in this, even if it's over the phone where you record a bugle you’ve been working on or a new cow call sound. Then you send it over to them for a listen and feedback. Whatever the case, ask, and I will almost bet you will get some help.

Modern Elk Calls

If you are struggling with elk calls because you can’t figure out a mouth diaphragm or gag every time you use one, don’t fret! There are plenty of calls out there that are easy to use, sound great, and require no gagging.


Making all different elk noises, not just a cow call, can up your game. Making good, clean bugles and chuckles is always a positive when the moment arises that they are needed. As I mentioned, there are options if mouth diaphragms aren’t your thing. A Phelps Game Calls Bugle with EZ Bugler Mouthpiece (EZ Bugler Mouthpiece | Phelps Game Calls) is one such option. This bugle utilizes the popular AMP frame but in an easy-to-blow mouthpiece. Another option is a Rocky Mountain Game Calls bugle with the Surefire Bugle Adapter (Sure Fire Bugle Adapter - Rocky Mountain Hunting Calls and Supplies | Home of Bugling Bull Game Callsor the Conqueror Mouthpiece. Slayer Calls has the Ultimate Elk Slayer, (Buy the Enchantress Elk Slayer Collection | Slayer Callswhich attaches the Enchantress push button call to their Swagger tube. The Enchantress not only produces excellent bugles but top-notch cow calls as well. Native by Carlton now offers their Hunters Tube with the push-button Mac-Daddy mouthpiece. These are just a few great options available.

Open Reed Calls

Each of the companies above and countless more offer open reed cow calls. These calls make a wide range of sounds, from the lightest cow and calf sounds to the most excited estrus noises. Every elk hunter can and should effectively make great elk sounds with this type of call.

Great options are the Soundbite by Born and Raised Call Co.(SOUND BITE - Elk Cow Call - Born And Raised Call Co.), the Acrylic E-Z Estrus by Phelps(Acrylic E-Z-Estrus (Phelps Neon Green) | Phelps Game Calls), the Heartbreaker by Rocky Mountain Hunting Calls(Heartbreaker - Rocky Mountain Hunting Calls and Supplies | Home of Bugling Bull Game Calls), Whiskey Ribbon Belled by Native(Whiskey Ribbon Belled – NativebyCarlton), the Woody Elite by 208 Outdoors (“Woody Elite” Idaho Figured Black Walnut Custom Elk Call — 208 Outdoor Co.and the Tramplifier from Primos(Buy Tramplifier Open Reed Elk Calls - Primos Hunting). They are all good and will all get the job done. Get one and start practicing.

Something a Little Different

In the last few years, some other calls have been released that are a little different from most used in the past many years, but they are worth looking at. With some work, these calls are handheld-type calls that can sound amazing. What I like about them most is that they make the more subtle cow sounds that typically are easier made with a diaphragm call. Yet, people who cannot operate a diaphragm can make them with these calls.

The E-Z Suk’R by Phelps (Phelps EZ SUK'R | Phelps Game Calls) is the first I will mention because it’s the easiest to master. Anyone, and I mean anyone, can use and master this call. It makes terrific cow mews and is an excellent addition to the arsenal regardless of your calling skill. Another is the Love Triangle from Born and Raised (Love Triangle - Elk Cow Call - Born And Raised Call Co.). This call takes a little more time and practice to master but will make those soft diaphragm-type mews as well as more excited calls. I already mentioned the Enchantress (Buy the Enchantress External Cow Call | Slayer Elk Calls ( from Slayer Calls, but it’s also worth mentioning here. This call is easy to use and makes very nice cow and calf sounds like those made with a mouth diaphragm.

Lots of Options, Now get to Work!

So, there you have it! We have established that excuses to be a lousy elk caller are no longer valid, and plenty of options exist to make you a better elk caller. All that’s left to do now is to get a call and get to work. Use online resources, lean on a hunting buddy or mentor, and get better, and with that, your elk hunting success should improve with your calling evolution.